First Fogra certification for metal decoration print

For the first time, Fogra Research Institute for Media Technologies has certified a print shop for metal print based on ISO standard 12647-9. This certification has been available since the middle of this year.

Posted On
20th Sep 2024
Company, General, 2024 Q3
Fogra Metal Decoration Certification image

Previously, metal printers had no individual way to demonstrate compliance with the standard. Therefore, the tests for paper-based printing conditions of ProcessStandard Offset (PSO) were used. Since June 2024, Fogra has enabled metal decorators to be certified in accordance with ISO 12647-9, which was specially developed for metal dec-orating.


Metaprint AS from Tallinn (Estonia) is the first print shop to demonstrate that it also meets the ISO 12647-9 requirements. Previously, the company had been regularly certified according to FOGRA39 for many years and later FOGRA51.


The new certification is based on ISO 12647-9 ”Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints – Part 9: Metal decoration printing processes using offset lithography”, published in 2021. Refer-ence is made to the ”MPC1” printing condition, corresponding to printing on white-coated metal. With ”FOGRA60” and ”Metal Printing MPC1”, proven characterisation data and an ICC profile have been available since 2022.


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